A special and intimate weekend of healing writing with the world's most important guided journaling coaches
Big names, intense but fun program, deep inner work and great networking
Welcome to the first festival
of journaling to be held
in Barcelona!

This event is here to bring some of the most influential people in journaling today together, to support you as a guest in learning, practicing and connecting with like-minded people!

Over two days (three for the VIP ticket holders), we will have an opportunity to learn from fantastic teachers through hands-on workshops, with a focus on application. This is not about listening to dry lectures on the theory of journaling — you’re here to write and to put into practice tools that can help you develop yourself, to help you become more aware, and to help you use these tools with others.

Let's write together – for the better life!
Coming from all over the world to the first international journaling event in Barcelona
  • Kathleen Adams
    Best-selling author of 14 books on the theory & practice of therapeutic writing, speaker, psychotherapist, and founder of The Center For Journal Therapy (USA). Kay’s most famous books are Journal To The Self and Expressive Writing: Foundations of Practice.
  • Emelie Hill Dittmer
    Emelie says: "Writing reflectively and with a healing purpose is about witnessing a primordial power that emerges from the raw, unpolished voice".

    Member of the International Association for Journal Writing Council, therapeutic writing educator, journalist, and author of the Swedish guidebook Write to Heal — A Guide to Reflective Writing. Emelie is currently working on her second guidebook titled The Therapeutic Writing Toolbox and Writing Therapist Training Programme in Sweden.
  • Megan C Hayes
    Megan says: "Put wellbeing into words!"

    Founder of The Joyful School of Writing and Positive Journal®, Megan C Hayes PhD is one of the top researchers in positive journalling and has spent over a decade studying writing, the psychology of happiness, and researching ways that writing makes us happier. Megan has written 4 books: Write Yourself Happy, The Happiness Passport, The Serenity Passport and The Joy of Writing Things Down.
  • Jackee Holder
    Jackee says: "Writing changes lives and lives are changed by writing".

    Author of 49 Ways to Write Yourself Well, Writing With Fabulous Trees,
    Soul Purpose and Be Your Own Best Life Coach, Jackee is a trauma-informed wellbeing and resilience coach & creativity expert working across a range of sectors. She's also a founder of Paper Therapy, an online creative journal writing class.
  • Jon Sayers
    Jon says: "Pick up your pencil and let's turn lead into gold".

    Jon has written his way through his professional life as a published poet, radio playwright, and advertising copywriter. He is a certified Journal To The Self facilitator with the Therapeutic Writing Institute and also works as a transformational coach, specializing in creativity and writing.
  • Marusha Mozolevskaya
    Marusha says: "In the era when everyone is scrolling and texting, allow yourself to slow down and find out who are you, really, between the lines".

    Creator of the Girls Who Write platform and Naked Words journaling course, Marusha has supported women in their writing journeys for over a decade. She's the author of Not Just A Mom, a memoir-based self-help book for every creative woman with kids, which explores the superpowers of journaling in daily life.
  • Ana Juma
    Ana says: "When it comes to journaling, there’s no wrong, only write".

    Ana Juma is the founder of Prophsee, an independent publishing house that brings together creative minds to express themselves through writing experiences. She has experienced the benefits of journaling firsthand and is now committed to sparking the renaissance of flipping through the pages in a world where everyone is scrolling.

  • Oliver Mann
    UK / SPAIN
    Oliver says: "If we can't face the shadow inside, we can't face the light outside".

    Oliver relied on journaling to transform his trauma into strength and to move from victim to survivor. He now helps other men use words to build self-awareness, empathy and ultimately to heal through Unleash Your Ink and Men Who Write projects.
  • Marisè Barreiro
    Marisè says: "Powerful forces are at play when we search for the words that
    match our experience".

    Philologist, writer and Gestalt therapist specializing in expressive writing, Marisè became a co-author of the book The Teacher's Journal (together with Kathleen Adams) and participated in the pioneering anthology Expressive Writing: Classroom and Community. She teaches therapeutic writing courses for different social and professional groups in Spain.
  • Alsu Kashapova
    Alsu says: “Leadership begins with self-awareness — daily contemplation on your commitments, values, and strengths unlocks a purposeful life”.

    Alsu Kashapova is a Leadership Transformational Coach and TEDx speaker. She integrates her leadership experience as a Tech Executive with methods like Compassionate Inquiry of Gabor Mate, Breathwork, RTT, and Hypnotherapy. Alsu extensively uses journaling tools to assist her clients in the transformational process and career growth while living joyfully and meaningfully.

  • Venus O'Hara
    UK / SPAIN
    Venus says: "Infuse your journaling practice with sexual energy to create a powerful manifestation tool".

    Venus is a British expert in female sexuality, she has written for El País, GQ and The Guardian. She shares her insights through her YouTube channel and her popular podcast The Orgasmic Lifestyle. She has published 4 books, including the fresh-out-of-the-printers Orgasmic Manifestation. Her unique approach combines scientific insights with holistic practices – and journaling, of course – making her a sought-after speaker and educator in the field of sexual wellness.
Whether you’re a therapist, a wellness coach, a writer eager to explore your inner world, or just a journaling fan, come join us in this weekend of healing writing panels and immersive journaling workshops. Learn how to get the most out of your journaling practice from the masters in the field!
A weekend to enjoy, explore &
Meet world-famous journaling experts and learn from the best!

Feel the transformational healing power of  writing practices: get rid of your blocks & reconnect with your creative self.

Fall in love with guided journaling— even if you have never done it before!

Learn how you can deepen your practice as a healer /coach / therapist by incorporating expressive writing and other therapeutical journaling techniques.

Enjoy fun, sunny Barcelona and make new friends!
A weekend to enjoy, explore &
Meet the world-famous journaling experts and learn from the best!

Feel the transformational, healing power of the writing practices: get rid of your blocks & reconnect with your creative self.

Fall in love with guided journaling— even if you have never done it before!

Learn how you can deepen your practice as a healer / coach / therapist by incorporating expressive writing and other therapeutical journaling techniques.

Enjoy fun, sunny Barcelona and make new friends!
Festival program
Have a look at all the amazing workshops we've got for you this year!
Kathleen Adams
The Center For Journal Therapy (USA)
Stressbusting: Writing Through Troubled Times

This innovative journal workshop offers the opportunity to turn a stressor into an ally in one guided writing session. You’ll experience not only the collective power of five sequenced writing techniques, but also the alchemy of a structured writing process that can be used for any personal or professional challenge. Let this simple and reliable method enhance your journey to resilience! We’ll also talk about some of the research on writing and stress reduction.

The Magic of Mistakes

In this interactive keynote workshop, journal therapy pioneer Kay Adams shares stories from her four-decade career as an accidental entrepreneur. She'll share how her setbacks transformed into gifts, the resources she acquired along the way to the magic, and how she came to cherish the serendipity of getting it wrong. Now you can try this method, too! Bring your journal or device, as you'll be invited into writing processes along the way.
Emelie Hill Dittmer
International Association for Journal Writing
The Therapeutic Writing Toolbox: Tools and Techniques for Deep Healing and Self-Reflection

Different types of writing can help our well-being depending on how we feel and think. The therapeutic writing process can be compared to a powerful toolbox with tools that can help us deal with different types of stress, such as short-term acute stress and long-term stress, sadness, and other underlying pain. We need to try our way—and we must dare to experiment with this toolbox, something that we naturally do with caution. In this workshop, we will explore a range of writing tools from the therapeutic writing toolbox.
Megan C Hayes
The Joyful School Of Writing
Write Yourself Happy: Discover the Art and Science of Putting Wellbeing into Words
The Joy of Writing Things Down: Learn to Find Where Words Hide in Daily Life

Whether it’s a speedy note-to-self, or a carefully-expressed card for a special occasion; a scrawled shopping list, or a spick-and-span set of career goals – putting words on paper plays a big part in most of our lives. In these workshops you’ll discover practical ways to turn this most ordinary of rituals – writing things down – into a remarkable source of calm, focus and confidence. Savour this everyday habit and experience more mindful awareness as you tap into the enjoyment hidden in a host of common writing tasks. You'll learn to take pleasure in your correspondence, find new delight in your diary writing and put renewed heart in your humble to-do list.

Jackee Holder
wellbeing and resilience coach, author
Writing Through The Wisdom Of The Trees:
Journaling With & About Nature


Trees already work a lot for people and the environment. Following a thread of connections to trees and green spaces in the city, this workshop will explore fragments of your lived experiences through an arboreal arboretum writing exercise. We will engage with nature-inspired prompts from the Writing With Fabulous Trees and The Urban Forest Writing Map illustrated writing maps. Prompts that take you into exploring the rich and complex terrains of our inner worlds. We will play and explore responses to prompts from the Inner and Outer Nature Self Discovery deck. Ultimately walking towards the question nature writer Robert Macfarlane poses: “What does this place (tree) know of you that you cannot know anywhere else?”

In preparation for this workshop Jackee invites you to contemplate memorable or compelling memories of trees and green spaces. Bring a notebook and pen and leave the rest to where the writing wants to lead you.
Jon Sayers
certified Journal To The Self facilitator & poet
Dreaming The City Within: how to use Jungian 'Active Imagination' techniques to explore the idea of The City as a symbol for the Self

Carl Jung was arguably the most dedicated journaler of all the great depth psychologists. For almost two decades, starting in 1913, he took dozens of deep dives into his 'black books', attempting to switch off consciousness, evoke fantasies, record and reflect on them. He later converted his journals into the magnificent Liber Novus (Red Book), which formed the basis for his entire life's work. As we gather in one of the world's most beguiling and expressive cities, we'll use Jungian 'Active Imagination' techniques to explore the idea of The City as a symbol for the Self. Bring your notebook and pen and take a thrilling tour of the sights and delights, the dark corners and the bright lights of your own internal city.
Marusha Mozolevskaya
Girls Who Write & International Writers of Barcelona
Motherhood & Words: releasing the tension & finding the resource to go on

Supportive workshop for mothers seeking space to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with themselves through writing. Combining journaling, storytelling, and guided reflection, this session provides a nurturing environment to release emotional tension, process the challenges of motherhood, and tap into inner resources. Discover the power of words to heal, empower, and sustain you on your motherhood journey. Perfect for mothers at any stage, looking for clarity, renewal, and a sense of community.
Marisè Barreiro
Gestalt therapist, author
Journaling as a path towards freedom: how to write past common blocks and spark dynamism and magic in your personal story

When I was a child, there was this old saying we were repeated a lot: “La letra con sangre entra” (letters enter with blood), implying that a certain amount of oppression was needed for us to access the world of knowledge that came with letters. Many years have passed but I´m sad to report that the written word and the act of writing still evoke feelings of discomfort and helplessness in contemporary students: as a teacher, I see boredom, skepticism and lack of enthusiasm. Quite often though, the energy shifts at some point and they become energized, curious and surprised at what they can create with words. Ball-pens become light magic wands, winged creatures, creating a written pathway to a sense of personal freedom with language they didn’t know was possible. So, what's the trick?
In this workshop we will draw upon Virginia Satir´s Five Freedoms framework and simple Gestalt concepts. We´ll experiment with a guided writing process created to help us remember the depths and vistas of our personal story, and to reconnect with a sense of choice within our life´s circumstances.
Oliver Mann
Unleash Your Ink & Men Who Write
Discovering the Gold in the Shadow: Journaling into our best self

This deeply personal and transformative workshop is designed to help you explore the hidden parts of yourself through journaling. By embracing your shadow — the unacknowledged or misunderstood aspects of who you are — you’ll uncover untapped strengths, wisdom, and potential. Through guided journaling exercises and self-reflection, you’ll learn how to integrate these shadow aspects and step into your most authentic and empowered self. We will also use the Unleash Your Ink deck of journaling prompts to practice our "unleashed" free-flow writing. This workshop is perfect for anyone ready to explore their depths, heal, and transform on the path to personal growth.

Ana Juma
Founder of Prophsee & Author
The Art & Science of Making Journaling A Habit

This interactive workshop is designed to help you integrate journaling into your daily routine. Combining psychological insights with creative techniques, this session explores the benefits of journaling for personal growth, mindfulness, and productivity. You’ll learn practical strategies to overcome resistance, establish a sustainable practice, and unlock the power of reflection for a more balanced, intentional life. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned writers looking to make journaling a lasting habit.
Alsu Kashapova
Leadership Transformational Coach
Embody your Essence: A Reflective Journey to Inner Brilliance,
Confidence and Meaning

About this workshop:
Reconnect with your core values, strengths, and life lessons to reveal the essence of who you truly are. Gain clarity on whether your current life reflects your deepest values and learn how to make decisions that align with your authentic self. By integrating these insights, you’ll feel more confident, centered, and empowered to live in alignment with your truth. To solidify this transformation, practice breathwork and embodied visualization to anchor these values into your daily life, creating a path of purpose, authenticity, and fulfillment.
Venus O'Hara
Expert in Female Sexuality
Journaling For Orgasmic Manifestation

About this workshop:
Unlock the transformative power of journaling as a manifestation tool in this empowering workshop, inspired by Venus O’Hara’s latest book Orgasmic Manifestation. In this workshop, you will learn how to use sexual energy to amplify your manifestations, explore how this creative force helps manifest your dreams, engage in journaling prompts to uncover your deepest desires. As a result, you'll find a way to align your energy, thoughts, and emotions to create lasting change.
Whether you're new to journaling or enhancing your practice, this workshop will help you harness your creative power to attract abundance, love, and success.
What to expect
at Barcelona Journaling Festival
Inspiring panels, deep-diving journaling workshops, meeting international authors and teachers, new meaningful connections

The festival will be on November 8−10, from Friday to Sunday. Both Friday and Saturday will be an  the opportunity to connect in a beautifully reformed historical space La Lleialtat Santsenca in the heart of Sants — an authentic part of Barcelona, away from the bustling noise of the central areas, yet close enough for you to take a stroll there at the end of a day of writing.

On Sunday, the VIP ticket holders will join the speakers for a private lunch, as well as a unique opportunity to talk directly to our international guest speakers and learn directly from them. We will also hold a surprise event to close our festival on a beautiful note.

The Barcelona Journaling Festival is about you and your development, and we cannot wait to share this with you!

Barcelona has a unique location, right on the beach, with beautiful weather all year round. Come join us for a festival of words in a city rich in writing history!

Festival schedule: Day 1
Friday, November 8
Please arrive on time to get your pass and pick a seat
Our venue: La Lleialtat Santsenca
11:00 - 11:15
11:00 - 11:15
Festival inauguration
A quick hello from the organizers & orientation
11:15 – 11:45
11:15 – 11:45
Opening keynote "The Future Of Journaling" by Kathleen Adams
founder of The Center For Journal Therapy (USA)
How the art of intimate writing can help us navigate the fast-paced, tech-driven world while preserving its delicate, reflective core.
11:45 – 12:15
11:45 – 12:15
Panel "The Next Chapter: Journaling Through The Turbulent Times"
with Kay Adams, Jackee Holder, Megan С Hayes, Emelie H. Dittmer
How is journaling evolving to meet the challenges of today’s turbulent world? In an age of constant change and rising anxiety levels, is there still a way to find inner calm? In a world where it seems to be an app for everything, does the classic pen and paper still offer the best path for reflection, growth, and personal connection? This panel explores how journaling, in all its forms, remains a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of modern life.
12:15 - 12:30
12:15 - 12:30
Grab a coffee or a refreshment, and back to the program! :)
12:30 – 14:00
12:30 – 14:00
Keynote & workshop "The Magic Of Mistakes" by Kathleen Adams
founder of The Center For Journal Therapy (USA)
Kay Adams shares stories from her four-decade career as an accidental entrepreneur and how her setbacks transformed into gifts. Learn how to use the "magic of mistakes" for your own progress!
14:00 - 15:00
14:00 - 15:00
Lunch break
15:15 – 16:45
15:15 – 16:45
Journaling workshops: three sessions run in parallel.
Pick your favorite!
with Megan С Hayes, Emelie H. Dittmer and Marusha Mozolevskaya
The Therapeutic Writing Toolbox: Tools and Techniques for Deep Healing and Self-Reflection (with Emelie H. Dittmer)
Write Yourself Happy: Discover the Art and Science of Putting Wellbeing into Words (with Megan С Hayes)
Motherhood & Words: releasing the tension & finding the resource to go on (with Marusha Mozolevskaya)

16:45 - 17:00
16:45 - 17:00
17:00 – 17:40
17:00 – 17:40
Panel "Finding joy or escaping reality: the problems with “feel-good” journaling
with Megan С Hayes, Jackee Holder and Marusha Mozolevskaya
Gratitude journals and positive thinking practices have become popular tools for fostering happiness, but are they always helpful? While focusing on gratitude and positivity can bring temporary relief, it may also encourage avoidance of deeper, unresolved emotions. Are we seeking genuine self-awareness, or simply escaping reality? Experts will discuss finding balance in the never-ending search for inner calm, clarity and the authentic self, if such exists.
17:50 – 18:30
17:50 – 18:30
Panel "Men, their vulnerability & mental health: what do we need to know about men to understand them?"
with Jon Sayers and Oliver Mann
This panel dives into the often-overlooked topic of men's mental health and vulnerability. Through open discussion, we explore the unique challenges men face in expressing their emotions, breaking down societal expectations, and fostering emotional well-being. Gain insights into how we can understand and support each other better.
18:45 – 19:15
18:45 – 19:15
Dynamic Session: "Writing Through The Body"
with Virginia Vagliar
Shake off the tension after the whole day of being glued to the chair. This surprising workshop brings together embodiment and reflection.
19:15 – 20:00
19:15 – 20:00
Conclusions and Q&A

Write and share your key takeaways with your buddy, Q&A with the speakers, chatting time!
Festival schedule: Day 2
Saturday, November 9
Arrivals, coffees, socializing
10:20 - 10:30
10:20 - 10:30
Tuning in
Objectives for the day, setting up goals and intentions
10:30 – 12:00
10:30 – 12:00
Workshop "Stressbusting: Writing Through Troubled Times" by Kathleen Adams
founder of The Center For Journal Therapy (USA)
Turn any daily stressor into an ally in one guided writing session!
12:00 - 12:20
12:00 - 12:20
Grab a coffee or a refreshment, and back to the program! :)
12:20 – 13:50
12:20 – 13:50
Journaling workshops: three sessions run in parallel.
Pick your favorite!
with Alsu Kashapova / Jackee Holder / Oliver Mann

Embody your Essence: A Reflective Journey to Inner Brilliance, Confidence and Meaning (with Alsu Kashapova)
Discovering the Gold in the Shadow: Journaling into our best self (with Oliver)
Writing Through The Wisdom Of The Trees: Journaling With & About Nature (with Jackee Holder)

13:50 - 14:50
13:50 - 14:50
Lunch break
15:00 – 15:45
15:00 – 15:45
Keynote: The Joy of Writing Things Down: Learn to Find Where Words Hide in Daily Life
with Megan С Hayes, The Joyful School of Writing and Positive Journal®
Discover practical ways to turn this most ordinary of rituals – writing things down – into a remarkable source of calm, focus and confidence
15:45 – 16:20
15:45 – 16:20
Panel "Journaling With Nature VS. Dreaming The City Within"
with Jon Sayers & Jackee Holden
Discover how the natural world and the rhythms of the city offer unique avenues for reflection, creativity, and self-expression. Whether connecting with the outdoors or tapping into the pulse of the city, this discussion highlights how different environments shape our journaling practices and inner worlds.
16:20 - 16:35
16:20 - 16:35
16:35 – 18:10
16:35 – 18:10
Journaling workshops: three sessions run in parallel.
Pick your favorite!
with Marisè Barreiro, Ana Juma & Jon Sayers
The Art & Science of Making Journaling A Habit (with Ana Juma)
Dreaming The City Within: how to use Jungian 'Active Imagination' techniques to explore the idea of The City as a symbol for the Self (with Jon Sayers)
Journaling as a path towards freedom: how to write past common blocks and spark dynamism and magic in your personal story (with Marisè Barreiro)

18:20 – 19:00
18:20 – 19:00
Journaling for Orgasmic Manifestation
with Venus O'Hara
Unlock the transformative power of journaling as a manifestation tool in this empowering workshop. Through guided journaling, you’ll connect deeply with your desires and uncover the emotions driving your ideal life.

The playful ending of the second day of the festival!

19:00 – 19:30
19:00 – 19:30
Conclusions and Q&A

Write and share your key takeaways with your buddy, Q&A with the speakers
19:30 – 20:00
19:30 – 20:00
Socialization time
Chat away with the others and make new friends!
Festival schedule: Day 3
Sunday, November 10
Bon dia, Barcelona!
Magical sunrise journaling session by the sea.
Everyone's welcome!
12:30 – 14:30
12:30 – 14:30
Vermut Social: Barcelona-style brunch with the festival speakers
A special event for the VIP ticket holders
This is the most local thing to do: socialize with a glass of a signature Barcelona drink, sweet & tangy vermut, a local specialty. We're welcoming our special guests in a beautiful modernist apartment for the pica-pica brunch and engaging chats (if you're a VIP ticket holder, you'll receive your invitation with the goodie bag).
16:00 – 21:00
16:00 – 21:00
Fringe events around the city!
Check the section below to book an activity that vibes with you!

Fringe Events
It's called a festival for a reason! Come enjoy the selection of our fun writing-inspired activities around the city
Start your Sunday with a peaceful journaling session by the sea as the sun rises and the city wakes up. Reflect on the beauty of the moment and let the calm atmosphere inspire your thoughts. Guided prompts will help you focus on mindfulness, gratitude, and setting positive intentions for the day ahead. Perfect for anyone looking to connect with nature and find inner calm before the city wakes up.

Free activity
Letters From Barcelona
Sip on Hemingway's favorite cocktail while typing away on a vintage typewriter: that's a match made in heaven! Hosted by a Barcelona-based writer who swears by using typewriters only for his work (and owns 20 machines!), this candlelit activity is for true romantics. Write a letter to your dear one or to your future self – and post it!

Sunday, 10.11, 19-00
20 spots only
Registration opens soon
Kids Journaling Adventure with Zwela Journals
Everyday Adventures is a fun, hands-on workshop where kids and parents explore creativity and mindfulness through art and journaling. In this session, we'll be focusing on mindfulness, gratitude, and the five senses, while getting inspired by nature. Each child will leave with a scavenger hunt and journal prompts to continue their adventure at home!

Workshop by our friends, South Africa -inspired Zwela Journals

Saturday, 9.11.
For kids aged 4 to 10. Free event.
Registration opens soon
Stay tuned for the program updates – we are adding more panels and workshops for you!
Are you curious about journaling and the benefits it has?

Our speakers and workshops will help you get a soft start with a ton of practical application to make sure you’ll have tools to use when you go back to your daily life!
Are you a writer?

Try the most powerful tool of self-reflection to deepen your writing practice and add depth and dimension to your characters
Are you a coach or in the wellness industry?

Come and learn about journaling as a tool to help you expand your own life, and to help your clients, as well as connect with others in your field.
Are you a therapist?

Our guest speakers have been teaching therapeutic writing for decades. For instance, Kay Adam's work with therapists is second to none. This is the first time she is speaking in Europe, so don’t miss out!
There are no prerequisites to join — just bring yourself, your pen and a notepad!
Get your ticket now!
And let's write away together in Barcelona
General admission
237 EUR
What's included:
  • access to all the panels and pens-on workshops
  • fun fringe events around the city
  • Barcelona Journaling Festival tote bag
VIP entry [SOLD OUT]
297 EUR

What's included:
  • access to all the panels and pens-on workshops
  • fun fringe events around the city
  • special brunch with the international speakers & authors
  • Barcelona Journaling Festival goodie bag with your new favorite journals & more!
Are you a professional working in the wellness industry?
Come check out the very special event to follow the Festival. It's designed specifically for coaches, therapists, professionals working in the field of consciousness & mindfulness, and hardcore fans of journaling who would like to become journaling guides.
This Festival is powered by Barcelona-based Girls Who Write, Naked Words, Unleash Your Ink & International Writers Of Barcelona. We are excited to welcome you to our city and write together!
